Saturday, February 15, 2014

Match Vela-Ramirez 2014 will start this Monday, February 24th.

Well, finally, we were able to put everything together for our Match 2014. This will be number 16 in a row.
The rating difference this year is the largest ever between us since we started, in 1999, but as I told Jose, it doesn't matter that much to me. He knows me over the chess board better than anybody and I expect a good fight from him, even a defeat for me it's very possible, so I will try my best as usual and see how this goes.

I want to wish "good luck" to my friend Jose Ramirez, even though I don't believe in luck, especially here in chess.
I believe in psychology and better skill, and we don't always have it, so to me this match is as uncertain as any.
I just want to fight in chess against my best opponent and my best friend at the same time, because I know for sure that we will have a great time together, just like always.

OK, let's do this!
Let's fight!

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