Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First game of the 7th Round, Jauregui vs. Ramirez (1/2 - 1/2)

In a very strategical game, Juan Pablo and Jose drew their game exactly at the moment of reaching the time control on move 40.
Both of them were very careful not to slip, and the result, as always, it a deservedly one.
Jose stands right next to me as we share first place, while Juan Pablo stays very close, still in the basement, but within half a point from the leaders. Our next game will be very crucial!! But I'll have time to talk about that in a future post...

Meanwhile, here is the game with  my comments, made during the course of the game...

Good game, my friends!


Jose Ramirez said...

I played different opening this time to take my opponent out of his opening book. I had the black pieces, so a 1/2 point is very good for me, for the moment I'm sharing with my friend Paco the lead.

Paco Vela. said...

Your opening option was a good choice. Juan Pablo, I think, was ready to play more sharply vs. your Sicilian Najdorf, but you change that idea when you went for the Petroff...
On one hand, the half point was good for both of you, because neither one lost, but on the other hand, neither one of you got the full point! I think you did a good job keeping keeping it safe. In Juan's case he had white, and sometimes you can only risk so much, black didn't let the game go "crazy" so I think he did a good job also.
It's now my turn to squeeze the nut using white versus El galactico, so let's wait and see what happens...
I'm in my Lab, studying to try to do just that.